Saturday, October 30, 2010

Care2 ~ Tell Politicians What Matters to You

Restore The Sanity: Tell Politicians What Matters To You

Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and thousands of Americans in Washington D.C. and around the country are out restoring sanity to our politics. We at Care2 hope you all are getting involved in this and other efforts to help drum up enthusiasm among progressives and get out the vote before Tuesday.

Our bloggers have been closely following the twists and turns of the elections, and updating the Care2 community about what's at stake. Check out more coverage on our Politics channel. And if you haven't already, add your thoughts about the rally and the election.

Whether or not you could make it to DC or any of the satellite rallies near you, Care2 has a lot of ways you can take action on important election and policy issues.

Karl Rove Tell Karl Rove: Stop the Lies!
GOP operative Karl Rove spending millions to distort facts to bring back the failed Bush policies from his tenure in the White House. Tell him to back off.

Chamber of CommerceInvestigate the Chamber of Commerce's Spending
There's evidence that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is spening money from foreign companies on the election. Urge Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate.

Backroom DealsNo Backroom Deals for Big Polluters
Care about global warming? Some anti-climate action senators have been taking campaign cash in exchange for keeping climate off the agenda.

Anti-wolfTake a Stand Against Anti-Wolf Legislation
Certain lawmakers have proposed legislation that would remove wolves from the Endangered Species Act altogether. We need to make sure anti-wolf hate doesn't take the day.

You can also read more about some of the hottest election stories, like Delaware Tea-Party darling Christine O'Donnell's threats to a local radio station and our list of this election season's most powerful women.

Thanks for getting involved with Care2. We want to encourage you and everyone you know to VOTE on Tuesday and make your voice heard.

Thanks for making a difference!

Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team

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