Post by Dominique
On this 4th of July weekend I am reminded that although I have freedom of speech, my civil rights are limited. There are forces in place that continue to protect Fish and Game Departments right to kill animals. Ultimately the NRA is very powerful and supports hunting. Top officials in the government are placed strategically to support government agencies to make their own rules at local levels for using Wildlife management to hunthttp://www.dfg.ca.gov/habcon/conplan/ . The California Fish and game's Department does not use any other methods to control wildlife other than killing. The California Department of Fish and Game is listed on the State government website under the tab of “recreation“ http://www.dfg.ca.gov/wildlife/hunting/ .
It is a holiday weekend, there are many campers out, enjoying the outdoors, and it is expected that they might come in contact with some of the wildlife, which is what has happened in the story below.
Wardens have shot and killed a bear that attacked a camper in El Dorado County overnight outside of Pollock Pines in the Eldorado National Forest.
A spokeswoman for the California Department of Fish and Game says the black bear slashed the man's face after rummaging through his ice chest around 2 a.m. Friday at a campground near Union Valley Reservoir.
Spokeswoman Kirsten Macintyre says before slashing the man, the bear rushed the unidentified man and knocked him down.
Macintyre says the man, who was armed with a .45-caliber pistol, fired a shot at the bear when the animal rushed a second time. It is not clear if the bear was hit.
The man required 26 stitches after the attack.
The campground where the attack took place is in a remote area about 60 miles northeast of Sacramento.
There is a Bear Rescue within 20 miles of this incident that would have been able to take the Bear, if it were their policy to use a tranquilizer instead of a bullets and dogs. This is disgraceful. This bear could have taken this mans head off if he wanted to. He was looking for food, and came upon these campers accidentally. This situation should have been expected when humans enter their habitat. I am not in agreement of this type of wildlife management, but it seems that many people have been complacent to accept that if the government says it’s so, that’s the way it should be. Look at the way the media reports this with such drama and forgiveness for taking the life of this poor Bear, making the statement again and again how much more valuable humans are over animals http://www.cbs13.com/video/?id=74868@kovr.dayport.com I am hoping that soon, with some education people will stop being so arrogant and apathetic of these situations and realize that the Fish & Game Department, is nothing but a hunting club, and I am seriously questioning why our tax dollars go to subsidize a special interest group http://www.dfg.ca.gov/habcon/conplan/landacq/index.html .
I am looking forward to an update on Jan Haagensens case and awaiting a precedent to change the hunter harassment law that she became a victim of. http://biteclubkc.wordpress.com/2009/08/23/help-overturn-unconstitutional-hunter-harassment-law/ In the meantime I will be searching for answers and suggestions from fellow ARA’s on the best way to proceed legally to Fish and Games structure and implement Peter Muller’s plan of projected increased revenue for states that implement Wildlife watching instead of wildlife killing, the time has come, please get involved and help, http://www.all-creatures.org/cash/campaigns.html.
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